Open 3D Engine AzCore API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >, including all inherited members.

Clear()AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
ConstVisitorFunction typedef (defined in AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
DetachSubTree(const Path &path)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
DomPrefixTree()=default (defined in AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
DomPrefixTree(const DomPrefixTree &)=default (defined in AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
DomPrefixTree(DomPrefixTree &&)=default (defined in AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
DomPrefixTree(AZStd::initializer_list< AZStd::pair< Path, T > > init) (defined in AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >explicit
DomPrefixTree(Range &&range) (defined in AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >explicit
EraseValue(const Path &path, bool removeChildren=false)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
IsEmpty() constAZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
operator=(const DomPrefixTree &)=default (defined in AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
operator=(DomPrefixTree &&)=default (defined in AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
operator[](const Path &path)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
operator[](const Path &path) constAZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
OverwritePath(const Path &path, DomPrefixTree &&subtree, bool shouldCreateNodes=true)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
SetValue(const Path &path, Deduced &&value)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
ValueAtPath(const Path &path, PrefixTreeMatch match)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
ValueAtPath(const Path &path, PrefixTreeMatch match) constAZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
ValueAtPathOrDefault(const Path &path, Deduced &&defaultValue, PrefixTreeMatch match) constAZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
VisitorFunction typedefAZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
VisitPath(const Path &path, const VisitorFunction &visitor, PrefixTreeTraversalFlags flags=DefaultTraversalFlags)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >
VisitPath(const Path &path, const ConstVisitorFunction &visitor, PrefixTreeTraversalFlags flags=DefaultTraversalFlags) const (defined in AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >)AZ::Dom::DomPrefixTree< T >