
Sky Atmosphere Component

The Sky Atmosphere component provides physically-based sky and atmosphere rendering capabilities.

The sky is rendered by sampling points on rays that start at the camera and intersect with the atmosphere. Because sampling many rays every frame is an expensive operation, luminence and volume look up tables are used to perform fewer calculations.

Sky atmosphere in desert mountain scene


Atom Gem



OriginThe origin to use for the atmosphere. When Ground at world origin (default) is selected, the bottom of the atmosphere - the ground - will be at the world origin, or 0,0,0. If Ground at local origin is used, then the bottom of the atmosphere will be at the world position of the Transform Component for the entity the Sky Atmosphere component is on. Using Ground at local origin gives you an easy way to control the position of the bottom of the atmosphere. One practical use for Ground at local origin is to move the ground position down so you have a more gradual gradient transition from surface to sky. Try using Ground at local origin and moving the entity transform down by setting the Z value to -100 to get a smoother transition. The Planet center at local origin setting makes the center of the planet for the atmosphere at the world position of the Transform component for the entity the Sky Atmosphere component is on. The Planet center at local origin is useful when you want to have atmosphere for planets.Ground at world origin,Ground at local origin, Planet center at local originGround at world origin
Ground radiusThe ground radius for planet in kilometers.0.0 km - 100000.0 km6360.0 km
Ground albedoAdditional light color from the surface of the ground.0.0 0.0 0.0
Atmosphere heightAtmosphere height in kilometers.0.0 km - 10000.0 km100.0 km
Illuminance factorAn additional factor to brighten or darken the overall atmosphere0.0 0.0 0.0
Rayleigh scattering scaleRaleigh scattering scale used to get the Rayleigh scattering values into a range that can easily be controlled with a color picker.0.0 - 1.00.0331
Rayleigh scatteringRaleigh scattering coefficients from air molecules at surface of the planet.0.175287 0.409607 1.0
Rayleigh exponential distributionAltitude at which Rayleigh scattering is reduced to roughly 40% in kilometers.8 km
Mie scattering scaleMie scattering scale used to get the Mie scattering values into a range that can easily be controlled with a color picker.0.003996
Mie scatteringMie scattering coefficients from aerosole molecules at surface of the planet.1.0 1.0 1.0
Mie absorption scaleMie absorption scale used to get the Mie absorption values into a range that can easily be controlled with a color picker.0.004440
Mie absorptionMie absorption coefficients from aerosole molecules at surface of the planet.1.0 1.0 1.0
Mie exponential distribution“Altitude at which Mie scattering is reduced to roughly 40% in kilometers.1.2 km
Ozone absorption scaleOzone molecule absorption scale used to get the ozone absorption values into a range that can easily be controlled with a color picker.0.001881
Ozone absorptionAbsorption coefficients from ozone molecules in a layer most dense at roughly the middle height of the atmosphere.0.345561 1.0 0.045188
Aerial depth factorA factor applied to the scene depth to increase or decrease aeriel perspective.1.0
Show sunWhether to show the sun or not.True
Sun orientationOptional entity to use for the orientation of the sun. When set, the sun will use the entity’s rotation. If no entity is specified, the rotation in the transform component from the entity the component is on will be used for the sun rotation.
Sun colorSun color.1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Sun luminance factorSun luminance factor, used to increase the brightness of the sun.0.0 - 1000000.00.05
Sun limb colorSun limb color - the outer edge color of the sun.1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Sun radius factorSun radius factor, used to set the size of the sun disk.0.0001 - 100.01.0
Sun falloff factorSun falloff factor, used to control the inner falloff when less than 1.0 and outer falloff when greater than - 200.01.0
Fast skyEnable to use a less accurate but faster performing sky algorithm that uses a small look up table to approximate the color of the visible sky. When not active, a ray is cast into the sky for every pixel instead of using the look up table.True
Fast aerial perspectiveEnable to use a volume look-up-texture for faster performance but more memory.True
Aerial perspectiveEnable to draw the effect of atmosphere scattering on objects in the scene.True
Enable shadowsEnable sampling of shadows in the atmosphere.False
Near clipDistance at which to start drawing the atmosphere. This can be useful to prevent the affect of atmosphere scattering inside buildings.0.0
Near fade distanceDistance over which to fade in the atmosphere in meters. If set to 0.0 no fade is performed. This can be useful when using the near clip setting to fade in the atmosphere aerial perspective.0.0
Min samplesMinimum number of samples when tracing. More samples improves accuracy at a higher performance cost.1 - 644
Max samplesMaximum number of samples when tracing. More samples improves accuracy at a higher performance cost.1 - 6414


Desert sun

Sky atmosphere in desert mountain scene

Step 1. Turn off the existing skybox

If your scene has an HDRI skybox component you may want to remove or disable the component unless it has content in it you want to see through the sky like clouds.

Step 2. Add the Sky atmosphere component

Add the Sky atmosphere component to the entity in your scene that has the light component on it for the sun.

Step 3. Rotate the sun as needed

Rotate the sun entity by setting the Rotate field in the Transform component, in the example image above the values are set to X: -151.0 Y: 0.0 Z: 16.0.

Step 4. Adjust the atmosphere altitude

Set the Sky atmosphere origin to Ground at local origin and set the sun entity Z component of the Transform Component to -500.0 so the perspective is higher in the atmosphere and the transition between sky and ground is smoother.

Step 5. Add Bloom

Add Bloom and Post FX Layer components to the sun entity and turn the Enable Bloom setting on. Set the Intensity to 0.1.

Step 6. Make the sun yellow

Adjust the Sky Atmosphere sun settings to be more orange with a softer falloff:

  • Sun color: 255,235,176
  • Sun luminance factor: 10.0
  • Sun limb color: 215,87,12
  • Sun radius factor: 7.0
  • Sun falloff factor: 102.0

Adjust the Directional light Sky Atmosphere color to be 251,247,220.

(Optional) If you are casting shadows in a large scene you will also want to increase your Shadow far clip and adjust the split ratio so your shadows adequately cover the objects in the scene.

Sunset sky with exaggerated aerial perspective

Sky atmosphere in sunset mountain scene

Step 1. Turn off the existing skybox

If your scene has an HDRI skybox component you may want to remove or disable the component unless it has content in it you want to see through the sky like clouds.

Step 2. Add the Sky atmosphere component

Add the Sky atmosphere component to the entity in your scene that has the light component on it for the sun.

Step 3. Rotate the sun to the horizon

Rotate the sun entity so that the sun is just above the horizon by setting the Rotate field to X: 180.0 Y: 0.0 Z: 0.0

Step 4. Adjust the atmosphere altitude

Set the Sky atmosphere origin to Ground at local origin and set the sun entity Z component of the Transform Component to -500.0 so the perspective is higher in the atmosphere and the transition between sky and ground is smoother.

Step 5. Add Bloom

Add Bloom and Post FX Layer components to the sun entity and turn the Enable Bloom setting on. Set the Intensity to 1.0.

Step 6. Make the sun yellow

Adjust the Sky Atmosphere sun settings to get a sunset that looks more like sunset:

  • Sun color: 255,235,176
  • Sun luminance factor: 1.0
  • Sun limb color: 234,86,0
  • Sun radius factor: 6.0
  • Sun falloff factor: 3.0

Adjust the Directional light Sky Atmosphere color to be 216,69,20.

(Optional) If you are casting shadows in a large scene you will also want to increase your Shadow far clip and adjust the split ratio so your shadows adequately cover the objects in the scene.

Step 8. Increase the aerial perspective

Set the Aerial depth factor to 5.0 to really increase the thickness of the atmosphere in front of distant objects. Note that at this time increasing the atmosphere thickness with this setting will not take into account shadowed regions so if the sun goes behind a mountain you may get an unwanted glow where there should be none.

Multiple sky atmospheres on miniature planets

miniature planet atomspheres

Multiple atmospheres can exist in a scene such as the one above if you use set the Sky atmosphere origin to Planet center at local origin and scale the Ground radius to fit the planets and the Atmosphere height to an appropriate value. In order to get the desired transition of thick atmosphere to space you will need to adjust the Mie exponential distribution and Rayleigh exponential distribution to be values that are inside the new atmosphere height. In an earth-like atmosphere the Rayleigh exponential distribution is roughly 8% the height of the overall atmosphere height, and the Mie exponential distribution 1.2% the height.

When outside the atmosphere you will likely need to turn off Fast sky and Fast aerial perspective to avoid graphic artifacts as the look up tables have not been optimized for use when outside the atmosphere.