
ROS 2 Georeference Level Component

The ROS 2 Georeference Level component allows you to choose the geographical location of your simulation. This component is a level component and should be added to the level entity. If you are using, for example, the GNSS Sensor Component, it complements its functionality.


ROS 2 Gem




ROS 2 Georeference Level Component Properties

AltitudeThe elevation of the ENU origin entity above Earth’s WGS84 ellipsoidmeters0
LatitudeThe north-south geographical coordinate in WGS84, where north is positivedegrees0
LongitudeThe east-west geographical coordinate in WGS84, where east is positivedegrees0
ENU Origin TransformEntity that has a geographical location assigned, and its local coordinate system follows ENU (East-North-Up) directionsEntity


  1. Identify a location in your level with a known geographical position. This could be a corner of a building or an intersection of roads.
  2. Create an empty entity in known location.
  3. Rotate the entity so that its local coordinate system aligns with mapping:
    • X should point East.
    • Y should point North.
    • Z should point up.
  4. In the ROS 2 Georeference Level component, enter the geographical location of the entity and set the ENU Origin Transform to reference the entity mentioned above.