Audio Console Variables
The following console variables can be used with the O3DE audio system.
Variable | Description |
s_ATLMemorySize | Specifies in KB the size of the memory pool to be used by the audio translation layer (ATL). Default values: PC = 8192 , Mac = 8192 , Linux = 8192 , iOS = 8192 , Android = 4096 |
s_AudioEventPoolSize | Sets the number of preallocated audio events. Default values: PC = 512 , Mac = 512 , iOS = 128 , Android = 128 |
s_AudioObjectsDebugFilter | Filters debug drawing to only audio objects whose name matches a string. Default: "" (all) Example: s_AudioObjectsDebugFilter=weapon_axe |
s_AudioObjectPoolSize | Sets the number of preallocated audio objects and corresponding audio proxies. Default values: PC = 1024 , Mac = 2048 , iOS = 256 , Android = 256 |
s_AudioProxiesInitType | Can override on a global scale. If set, it determines whether AudioProxies initialize synchronously or asynchronously. This is a performance variable, as asynchronously initializing AudioProxies has a greatly reduced impact on the calling thread. When set to initialize asynchronously, audio playback is delayed. Values: 0 = AudioProxy-specific initialization; 1 = Initialize synchronously; 2 = Initialize asynchronouslyDefault: 0 (all platforms) |
s_AudioTriggersDebugFilter | Filters debug drawing to only audio triggers that match a string. Default: "" (all) Example: s_AudioTriggersDebugFilter=impact_hit |
s_DrawAudioDebug | Draws AudioTranslationLayer related debug data to the screen. Flags can be combined. Values:
Example: s_DrawAudioDebug abc |
s_EnableRaycasts | Set to true /false to globally enable/disable raycasting for audio occlusion & obstruction.Default: true |
s_FileCacheManagerDebugFilter | Allows for filtered display of the different AFCM entries such as Globals, Level Specifics, and Volatiles. Flags can be combined. Values: a = Globals; b = Level Specifics; c = Game Hints; d = Currently LoadedDefault: "" (all) |
s_FileCacheManagerMemorySize | Sets the size in KB that the AFCM allocates on the heap. Default values: PC = 393216 , Mac = 393216 , Linux = 393216 , iOS = 2048 , Android = 73728 |
s_IgnoreWindowFocus | If set to true , the sound system continues to play when the Editor or Game window loses focus.Default: false (off) |
s_PositionUpdateThreshold | An audio object has to move by at least this amount to issue a position update request to the audio system. Default: 0.1 (10 cm) |
s_RaycastCacheTimeMs | Physics raycast results are given this amount of time before they are considered dirty and need to be recast. Default: 250.0 |
s_RaycastMaxDistance | Raycasts for obstruction/occlusion are not sent for sounds whose distance to the listener is greater than this value. Default: 100.0 |
s_RaycastMinDistance | Raycasts for obstruction/occlusion are not sent for sounds whose distance to the listener is less than this value. Default: 0.5 |
s_RaycastSmoothFactor | How slowly the smoothing of obstruction/occlusion values should smooth to target: delta / (smoothFactor^2 + 1) .Low values will smooth faster; high values will smooth slower. Default: 7.0 |
s_ShowActiveAudioObjectsOnly | Determines whether only the active audio objects or all audio objects should be drawn when debug drawing is enabled. Default: false (draw all audio objects) |
s_VelocityTrackingThreshold | An audio object has to change its velocity by at least this amount to issue an object_speed RTPC update request to the audio system.Default: 0.1 (10 cm/s) |