
SDFormat sensors


Robots described in either SDFormat , URDF , or XACRO format, can be imported into your O3DE simulation project using the Robot Importer. The tool creates O3DE entities and components that model a robot. You can find more details about Robot Importer in the documentation.

Similarly, the robots’ sensors are imported from the description files into O3DE using ROS 2 sensor components available in ROS 2 Gem. Note, that the sensor’s description can be stored directly in SDFormat files or using <gazebo> tag in URDF and XACRO files.

Sensor import architecture

Sensor import, i.e. the mapping between Gazebo description and O3DE components, is based on the O3DE reflection system. In particular, O3DE components that are designed to mirror the behavior of SDFormat sensors and/or plugins are registered using a specialized attribute tag. The import structure, called hook, implements the conversion scheme between the robot description parameters and O3DE data. The Robot Importer finds all active hooks and checks, if any of them can be used to import SDFormat data. The mapping is extendable, allowing you to add your hooks and map them to existing SDFormat data.

It is important to note, that implementation of sensors in ROS 2 Gem exposes ROS 2 communication interfaces by design, which makes it comparable to Gazebo sensor plugins. Therefore, you do not have to define a Gazebo sensor plugin if you want to make ROS 2 topics available. On the other hand, both sensor and plugin names must match the hook’s definition to be added to O3DE representation of the robot if the plugin definition exists in the robot description file. This way you can override the default behavior of the Robot Importer with your specific implementation of the same sensor.

SDF sensor tag mappings

Four basic sensors’ hooks are predefined in Robot Importer. These can be summarized as follows:

Hook nameSupported SDFormat sensorsSupported SDFormat pluginsO3DE sensor component
GNSSSensorHookgps, navsatlibgazebo_ros_gps_sensorROS2GNSSSensor
LidarSensorHooklidar, raylibgazebo_ros_ray_sensorROS2LidarSensorComponent
gpu_lidar, gpu_raylibgazebo_ros_lasersee information below

GPU implementation of ray/lidar sensors is not included in ROS 2 Gem and requires additional O3DE RGL Gem . GPU sensors are mapped during the import to run on a CPU if this Gem is not available.

Extending default mapping

You can extend the default mapping by implementing additional hooks and registering them in the system based on the SerializeContext reflection system. Typically, this consists of three tasks.

First, you need to declare ROS2::SDFormat::SensorImporterHook structure that consists of the following:

  • set of SDFormat sensors associated with your import scheme
  • set of plugin names associated with your import scheme
  • set of the supported parameters in the input robot description (used for import verbose only)
  • registered callback function that is invoked by Robot Importer when hook’s definition matches the input data

The registered callback function creates a number of O3DE components that are necessary to simulate a particular sensor. Additionally, it parses the robot description file to read certain processing parameters and lists the supported sensors and plugins. Your sample implementation for sdf::SensorType::NAVSAT that implements in O3DE can look as follows:

ROS2::SDFormat::SensorImporterHook ROS2SensorHooks::MyGNSSSensor()
    ROS2::SDFormat::SensorImporterHook importerHook;
    importerHook.m_sensorTypes = AZStd::unordered_set<sdf::SensorType>{ sdf::SensorType::NAVSAT };
    importerHook.m_supportedSensorParams = AZStd::unordered_set<AZStd::string>{ ">update_rate", ">my_parameter" };
    importerHook.m_pluginNames = AZStd::unordered_set<AZStd::string>{ "" };
    importerHook.m_sdfSensorToComponentCallback = [](AZ::Entity& entity, const sdf::Sensor& sdfSensor) 
        -> ROS2::SDFormat::SensorImporterHook::ConvertSensorOutcome
        if (!sdfSensor.NavSatSensor())
            return AZ::Failure(AZStd::string("Failed to read parsed SDFormat data of %s NavSat sensor", sdfSensor.Name().c_str()));
        const float myUpdateRate = sdfSensor.UpdateRate();
        const float myParameter = sdfSensor.Element()->Get<float>("my_parameter", 1.0f).first;
        if (Utils::CreateComponent<MyO3DEEditorComponent>(entity, myUpdateRate, myParameter))
            return AZ::Success();
            return AZ::Failure(AZStd::string("Failed to create NavSat MyO3DEEditorComponent."));

    return importerHook;

Your second task is to implement your desired simulation behavior in an O3DE component, which would be created by the Robot Importer. Finally, you need to define and register your hook via the SerializeContext reflection system using SensorImporterHooks attribute tag. This allows the Robot Importer to find and add your hook to the mapping. The registration can be done in any O3DE editor component and multiple hooks can be registered at once. For simplicity, you might want to add the registration directly to your O3DE component. A sample code implementing the registration scheme can be as follows:

void MyO3DEEditorComponent::Reflect(AZ::ReflectContext* context)
    if (auto serializeContext = azrtti_cast<AZ::SerializeContext*>(context))
        const ROS2::SDFormat::SensorImporterHook& myImporterHook = CreateMyHook();
        const ROS2::SDFormat::SensorImporterHook& anotherImporterHook = CreateAnotherHook();
        serializeContext->Class<MyO3DEEditorComponent, BaseClassOfMyO3DEEditorComponent>()
                    ROS2::SDFormat::SensorImporterHooksStorage{ AZStd::move(myImporterHook), AZStd::move(anotherImporterHook) });
    // more reflection code goes here