
Running Multiplayer Projects

Running projects using the Multiplayer Gem in Open 3D Engine (O3DE) requires that you correctly build your project and set configuration options to run your project.

Build your project

When building your project, be sure do the following:

  • Ensure your project is properly configured.
  • Build your project’s GameLauncher and ServerLauncher targets.

Running your project

Next, run the game either in standalone mode, using the ImGui options to host, or by using O3DE Editor.

Testing in the Editor

You can run multiplayer projects in O3DE Editor using Ctrl+G. For more information, refer to Test Multiplayer Projects in the O3DE Editor.

Running locally using ImGui options

  1. Launch your ServerLauncher either from Visual Studio or from your build directory.
  2. Press the HOME key to enable the debug menu.
  3. Select the Host option.
  4. Select a level to load to begin hosting.
  5. Use the Launch Local Client option to automatically launch a client connected to the server.

Running server and client launchers in standalone

Manual configuration using the application’s console

You can manually launch the executables for Client and Server and configure them using the application’s console command line.

  1. Launch both ClientLauncher and ServerLauncher.
  2. In ServerLauncher press ~ to open the command line.
  3. Run the command host to begin hosting.
  4. Run the command LoadLevel <path to level> to load a level.
  5. In ClientLauncher press ~ to open the command line.
  6. Run the command connect <IP Address:Port> to connect to the server. If running locally, connect will default to localhost.

Using pre-defined config files

You can manually launch the executables for Client and Server and pass a pre-defined configuration file to each for them to execute on launch. Commands in these cfgs files are executed in listed order.

  1. In the root of your project directory create launch_client.cfg and launch_server.cfg.

  2. Open launch_server.cfg and edit it to look like the following:

    LoadLevel <path to Level>
  3. Open launch_client.cfg and edit it to look like the following:

    connect <IP Address:Port>

    Alternatively, you can do the following for testing against localhost server running on the default port.

  4. Run the server using MultiplayerSample.ServerLauncher.exe --console-command-file=launch_server.cfg

  5. Run the client using MultiplayerSample.ClientLauncher.exe --console-command-file=launch_client.cfg

It is necessary to run the Server first so the Client has a host to connect to.

The preceding commands can be run either from a command line in your build directory or by setting command line arguments in your preferred execution method.