
Update an O3DE remote repository

You can update the properties for an O3DE remote repository, add and manage Gems, Projects and Templates with the O3DE CLI.

Use the o3de command line tool to update an O3DE remote repository

The o3de edit-repo-properties command lets you update remote repository properties, add new content and manage existing content.

See the o3de edit-repo-properties CLI Reference for the complete list of options.

Update remote repository properties

You can use the o3de CLI tool to modify properties stored in the repo.json file of an O3DE remote repository with the following command:

<engine>\scripts\o3de.bat edit-repo-properties --repo-path <local path to repo.json> --repo-name <new repo name>

<engine>/scripts/ edit-repo-properties \
    --repo-path <local path to repo.json> \
    --repo-name <new repo name>

Add a new Gem or new Gem version to a remote repository, or update an existing Gem

You can use the o3de CLI tool to add information from a gem.json file to a repo.json file and make an archive that you can upload with the following command:

<engine>\scripts\o3de.bat edit-repo-properties --repo-path <path to repo.json> --add-gems <local gem paths> --release-archive-path <path where the gem archive files will go> --download-prefix <URL prefix for where the gem archive will made available, e.g.>

<engine>/scripts/ edit-repo-properties \
    --repo-path <path to repo.json> \
    --add-gems <local gem paths> \
    --release-archive-path <path where the gem archive files will go> \
    --download-prefix <URL prefix for where the gem archive will made available, e.g.>

After running this command, the repo.json file will be modified so the information inside each gem.json file is included and the sha256 archive file hash is correct.

If a gem with the same name already exists in the repo.json but the version is different, the gem.json data from the new version will be added to the versions_data field. If a gem with the same name and version already exists the gem will be updated.

After modifying remote repository contents, we recommend you test the changes locally before uploading them to a public web server or GitHub.

Testing O3DE remote repository changes

We recommend that you use the Project Manager and O3DE CLI to test your remote repository before you upload the changes to GitHub, a web server or other source control.

Test with Project Manager

You can add local remote repositories in the Project Manager and verify the contents appear as expected and downloads succeed.

  1. Add your local remote repository in Project Manager on the Remote Sources page on the Engine tab, by pressing the Add Repository button and then use the browse button to select the folder containing your repo.json file and then press the Add button.
  2. Select the remote repository in the list and verify the expected contents are listed in the right pane.
  3. Verify any added Gems appear correctly in the Gem Catalog.
  4. Verify any added Projects appear correctly on the Projects page.
  5. Verify any added Templates appear correctly on the Create a New Project page.

Test with the O3DE CLI

You can add remote repositories on your hard drive with the O3DE CLI and verify downloads succeed.

<engine>\scripts\o3de.bat register -ru <path on disk to repo.json>
<engine>\scripts\o3de.bat download --gem-name <name of gem> --dest-path <download path>
<engine>\scripts\o3de.bat download --project-name <name of project> --dest-path <download path>

<engine>/scripts/ register -ru <path on disk to repo.json>
<engine>/scripts/ download --gem-name <name of gem> --dest-path <download path>
<engine>/scripts/ download --project-name <name of project> --dest-path <download path>

After downloading the Gem, Project or Template, you should be able to inspect the contents at the download path are correct and you can use the content as expected.

Uploading to GitHub

We recommend that you use the Project Manager and O3DE CLI to test your updated remote repository before you upload the changes to GitHub, a web server or other source control provider.

See the Remote Repository Tutorial for an example of how to create a remote repository, add content and upload the release to GitHub.