Open 3D Engine LyShine Gem API Reference
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
NAnchorPresets | |
NAssetDropHelpers | Helpers for dragging and dropping assets from the asset browser to the UI Editor |
NAZ | |
NCanvasHelpers | |
NComponentAssetHelpers | |
▼NComponentHelpers | |
CComponentTypeData | |
NEntityHelpers | |
NFileHelpers | |
NGuideHelpers | |
NHierarchyHelpers | |
▼NLyShine | Common types used across the LyShine UI system |
▼NLyShineBuilder | |
CLyShineBuilderComponent | |
CIRenderGraph | |
CLyShineRequests | |
CFontAsset | |
CCanvasAsset | |
CUCol | |
CUiPrimitiveVertex | |
CUiPrimitive | |
CUiCanvasBuilderWorker | |
CLyShineFeatureProcessor | |
CLyShineModule | |
CLyShinePass | Manages child passes at runtime that render to render targets |
CLyShineChildPass | |
CRttChildPass | |
CLyShineSystemComponent | |
CRenderNode | |
CLyShinePoolAllocator | |
CPrimitiveListRenderNode | |
CMaskRenderNode | |
CRenderTargetRenderNode | |
▼CRenderGraph | |
CDynamicQuad | |
CRenderToTextureRequests | Ebus to handle render target requests |
▼NLyShineEditor | |
CLyShineEditorSystemComponent | |
CCanvasAssetPropertyHandler | |
NPivotPresets | |
NQtHelpers | |
NSelectionHelpers | |
▼NSerializeHelpers | |
CSerializedEntry | |
NSliceMenuHelpers | |
▼NTextMarkup | |
CTag | Tag base class. All tags can have child tags |
CTextTag | Contains text data |
CBoldTag | Indicates that child elements should be bolded |
CItalicTag | Indicates that child elements should be italicized |
CAnchorTag | Defines clickable regions of text (links) |
CFontTag | Allows modifying font display properties, such as face and color |
CImageTag | Contains data to display an image |
NUiAnimSerialize | |
▼NUiLayoutHelpers | |
CLayoutCellSize | |
NUiNavigationHelpers | |
▼NUiSerialize | |
CAnimationData | |
▼NUiSpline | |
CTSpline | |
CSplineKey | |
CSplineKeyEx | |
CBezierSpline | |
CTrackSplineInterpolator | |
CTrackSplineInterpolator< Vec2 > | |
▼NViewportHelpers | |
CElementEdges | Indicates which edges of an element are under consideration |
CSelectedAnchors | Indicates which anchors of an element are under consideration |
CGizmoParts | Indicates which parts of a transform gizmo are under consideration |