Open 3D Engine MachineLearning Gem API Reference  24.09
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MachineLearning::INeuralNetwork Class Reference

Inherited by MachineLearning::MultilayerPerceptron.

Public Member Functions

 AZ_RTTI (INeuralNetwork, "{64E5B5B1-4A7D-489D-9A29-D9510BB7E17A}")
 INeuralNetwork (INeuralNetwork &&)=default
 INeuralNetwork (const INeuralNetwork &)=default
INeuralNetworkoperator= (INeuralNetwork &&)=default
INeuralNetworkoperator= (const INeuralNetwork &)=default
virtual AZStd::string GetName () const
 Returns a name for the model.
virtual AZStd::string GetAssetFile ([[maybe_unused]] AssetTypes assetType) const
 Returns the file where model parameters are stored.
virtual AZStd::size_t GetInputDimensionality () const
 Returns the number of input neurons the model supports.
virtual AZStd::size_t GetOutputDimensionality () const
 Returns the number of output neurons the model supports.
virtual AZStd::size_t GetLayerCount () const
 Returns the total number of layers in the network.
virtual AZ::MatrixMxN GetLayerWeights ([[maybe_unused]] AZStd::size_t layerIndex) const
 Returns the weight matrix for the requested layer.
virtual AZ::VectorN GetLayerBiases ([[maybe_unused]] AZStd::size_t layerIndex) const
 Returns the weight matrix for the requested layer.
virtual AZStd::size_t GetParameterCount () const
 Returns the total number of parameters in the neural network.
virtual IInferenceContextPtr CreateInferenceContext ()
virtual ITrainingContextPtr CreateTrainingContext ()
virtual const AZ::VectorN * Forward ([[maybe_unused]] IInferenceContextPtr context, [[maybe_unused]] const AZ::VectorN &activations)
 Performs a basic feed-forward operation to compute the output from a set of activation values.
virtual void Reverse ([[maybe_unused]] ITrainingContextPtr context, [[maybe_unused]] LossFunctions lossFunction, [[maybe_unused]] const AZ::VectorN &activations, [[maybe_unused]] const AZ::VectorN &expected)
 Accumulates the loss gradients given a loss function, an activation vector and a corresponding label vector.
virtual void GradientDescent ([[maybe_unused]] ITrainingContextPtr context, [[maybe_unused]] float learningRate)
 Performs a gradient descent step and resets all gradient accumulators to zero.
virtual bool LoadModel ()
 Loads the current model parameters from the associated asset file.
virtual bool SaveModel ()
 Saves the current model parameters to the associated asset file.
void add_ref ()
void release ()

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_ref()

void MachineLearning::INeuralNetwork::add_ref ( )

For intrusive_ptr support

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