Open 3D Engine ScriptCanvas Gem API Reference  24.09
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ Namespace Reference


class  EditorScriptCanvasComponentSerializer
struct  AnyTypeInfoConcept
class  BehaviorContextObjectSerializer
class  DatumSerializer
class  RuntimeVariableSerializer


template<typename t_Attribute , typename t_Container >
bool ReadAttribute (t_Attribute &resultOut, AttributeId id, const t_Container &attributes)
 AZ_TYPE_INFO_TEMPLATE_WITH_NAME (ContainerTypeReflection::BehaviorClassReflection, "(BehaviorClassReflection<t_Type>)", "{0EADF8F5-8AB8-42E9-9C50-F5C78255C817}", AZ_TYPE_INFO_TYPENAME)

Detailed Description

Script Canvas nodes need to be registered into O3DE in order to be available to the different systems. Because ScriptCanvas nodes are components, this registration system allows the collecting AZ::ComponentDescriptors in order to register them with the application.

The goal is to make ScriptCanvas node creation as straightforward as possible. By creating a small helper factory that registers nodes into an AZ::EnvironmentVariable we remove all registration related boilerplate code, developers need simply to add their ScriptCanvas autogen drivers, header, and source files to the CMake files list in order for ScriptCanvas nodes to be registered.