Open 3D Engine XR Gem API Reference 23.10.0
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
XR::System Class Reference

#include <XRSystem.h>

Inherits AZ::RPI::XRRenderingInterface, AZ::RHI::XRRenderingInterface, AZ::SystemTickBus::Handler, AZStd::intrusive_base, AZ::RPI::PassSystemTemplateNotificationsBus::MultiHandler, and AzFramework::AssetCatalogEventBus::Handler.


struct  Descriptor

Public Member Functions

 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (System, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (System, "{C3E0291D-FB30-4E27-AB0D-14606A8C3C1F}")
void Init (const Descriptor &descriptor)
 Init the XRSystem.
void Shutdown ()
 Destroy any relevant objects held by this .class.
void OnSystemTick () override
 Handle XR events and actions.
AZ::RHI::ResultCode InitInstance () override
void AcquireSwapChainImage (AZ::u32 viewIndex) override
AZ::u32 GetNumViews () const override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode GetSwapChainImage (AZ::RHI::XRSwapChainDescriptor *swapchainDescriptor) const override
AZ::u32 GetSwapChainWidth (AZ::u32 viewIndex) const override
AZ::u32 GetSwapChainHeight (AZ::u32 viewIndex) const override
AZ::RHI::Format GetSwapChainFormat (AZ::u32 viewIndex) const override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode GetViewFov (AZ::u32 viewIndex, AZ::RPI::FovData &outFovData) const override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode GetViewPose (AZ::u32 viewIndex, AZ::RPI::PoseData &outPoseData) const override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode GetViewFrontPose (AZ::RPI::PoseData &outPoseData) const override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode GetViewLocalPose (AZ::RPI::PoseData &outPoseData) const override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode GetControllerStagePose (AZ::u32 handIndex, AZ::RPI::PoseData &outPoseData) const override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode GetControllerPose (AZ::u32 handIndex, AZ::RPI::PoseData &outPoseData) const override
float GetControllerScale (AZ::u32 handIndex) const override
bool ShouldRender () const override
AZ::Matrix4x4 CreateStereoscopicProjection (float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleBottom, float angleTop, float nearDist, float farDist, bool reverseDepth) override
AZ::RHI::XRRenderingInterface * GetRHIXRRenderingInterface () override
float GetXButtonState () const override
float GetYButtonState () const override
float GetAButtonState () const override
float GetBButtonState () const override
float GetXJoyStickState (AZ::u32 handIndex) const override
float GetYJoyStickState (AZ::u32 handIndex) const override
float GetSqueezeState (AZ::u32 handIndex) const override
float GetTriggerState (AZ::u32 handIndex) const override
AZ::u32 GetNumPhysicalDevices () const override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode GetXRPhysicalDevice (AZ::RHI::XRPhysicalDeviceDescriptor *physicalDeviceDescriptor, int32_t index) override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode CreateDevice (AZ::RHI::XRDeviceDescriptor *deviceDescriptor) override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode CreateSession (AZ::RHI::XRSessionDescriptor *sessionDescriptor) override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode CreateSwapChain () override
AZ::u32 GetCurrentImageIndex (AZ::u32 viewIndex) const override
void BeginFrame () override
void EndFrame () override
void PostFrame () override
bool IsDefaultRenderPipelineNeeded () const override
bool IsDefaultRenderPipelineEnabledOnHost () const override
AZ::RHI::ResultCode InitVariableRateShadingImageContent (AZ::RHI::Image *image, AZ::RHI::XRFoveatedLevel type) const override
void OnCatalogLoaded (const char *) override
void OnAddingPassTemplate (const AZStd::shared_ptr< AZ::RPI::PassTemplate > &passTemplate) override

Detailed Description

This class is the window to everything XR related. It implements RPI::RenderingInterface and RHI::RenderingInterface but can be extended to implement other non rendering interfaces if needed.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: