►NAZ | |
►NDebug | |
CStartupLogSink | |
CStartupLogSinkReporter | |
►NDocumentPropertyEditor | |
►NNodes | |
CNodeWithVisiblityControl | Base class for nodes that have a Visibility attribute |
CAdapter | Adapter: The top-level tag for a DocumentAdapter that may contain any number of Rows |
CRow | Row: An adapter entry that may contain any number of child nodes or other Rows |
CLabel | Label: A textual label that shall render its contents as part of a Row |
CContainer | Container: A node representing a container instance |
CPropertyEditor | |
CUIElement | |
CNumericEditor | |
CButton | |
CGenericButton | |
CContainerActionButton | |
CCheckBox | |
CColor | |
CComboBox | |
CRadioButton | |
CEntityId | |
CLayoutPadding | |
CLineEdit | |
CMultiLineEdit | |
CQuaternion | |
CSlider | |
CSpinBox | |
CCrc | |
CVector2 | |
CVector3 | |
CVector4 | |
CFilePath | |
CAsset | |
CAudioControl | |
CAdapterBuilder | |
►CRowAggregateAdapter | Class to allow multi-edits of row-based DPE adapters |
CAdapterInfo | |
CAggregateNode | |
CLabeledRowAggregateAdapter | |
CBasicAdapter | |
CCvarAdapter | |
CAdapterMessage | |
CBoundAdapterMessage | |
CDocumentAdapter | |
CNodeDefinition | |
CNodeMetadata | |
CAttributeDefinitionInterface | |
CAttributeDefinition | |
CTypeIdAttributeDefinition | Represents an attribute that should resolve to an AZ::TypeId with a string representation |
CNamedCrcAttributeDefinition | |
CGenericValueAttributeDefinition | |
CGenericValueListAttributeDefinition | |
►CCallbackAttributeDefinition | |
CTraits | |
CTraits< Result(Args...)> | |
CTraits< void(Args...)> | |
CExpanderSettings | This serializable class stores and loads the DocumentPropertyEditor settings such as tree node expansion state |
CLabeledRowDPEExpanderSettings | |
►CRowFilterAdapter | |
CMatchInfoNode | |
CMetaAdapter | |
CPropertyEditorSystem | |
CPropertyEditorSystemInterface | |
►CReflectionAdapter | |
CPropertyChangeInfo | Holds the parameters that define a specific property change event |
CRoutingAdapter | |
CSettingsRegistrar | |
►CSettingsRegistryAdapter | |
CSettingsRegistryDomData | |
►CRowSortAdapter | |
CSortInfoBase | |
CSortInfoNode | |
►CValueStringSort | |
CStringSortNode | |
►NIO | |
►NZipDir | |
CCache | |
CCacheFactory | |
CFindData | |
CFindFile | |
CFindDir | |
CFileRecord | |
CFileDataRecord | |
►CFileRecordList | |
CZipStats | |
CFileRecordFileOffsetOrder | |
CFileEntryFileOffsetOrder | |
CFileEntryList | |
CCZipFile | |
CError | |
CSExtraZipFileData | |
CFileEntryBase | |
CFileEntry | |
CDirEntry | |
CDirHeader | |
CDirEntrySortPred | |
CUncompressLookahead | |
CFileEntryTree | |
►NZipFile | |
CCDREnd | |
CCryCustomEncryptionHeader | |
CCrySignedCDRHeader | |
CCryCustomExtendedHeader | |
CDataDescriptor | |
CCDRFileHeader | |
CLocalFileHeader | |
CExtraFieldHeader | |
CExtraNTFSHeader | |
CCCachedFileData | |
CArchive | |
CArchiveNotifications | |
CArchiveFileIO | |
CFileDesc | |
CArchiveFileIterator | |
►CFindData | |
CArchiveFile | |
CArchiveFileHash | |
CArchiveVars | |
►CMemoryBlock | |
CAddressDeleter | |
CIArchiveFileAccessSink | |
CIArchive | |
CScopedFileHandle | |
CIResourceList | |
CINestedArchive | |
CNestedArchiveSortByName | |
CNestedArchive | |
CLocalFileIO | |
CNetworkFileIO | |
CRemoteFileCache | |
CRemoteFileIO | |
►NReflection | |
CIAttributes | |
CIStringAccess | |
CIArrayAccess | |
CIMapAccess | |
CIDictionaryAccess | |
CIEnumAccess | |
CIPointerAccess | |
CIBufferAccess | |
CIAssetAccess | |
CIObjectAccess | |
CIRead | |
CIReadWrite | |
CIReadWriteToRead | |
COnDemandReflection< AzFramework::SimpleAssetReference< T > > | OnDemandReflection for any generic SimpleAssetReference<T> |
CInterface | |
►NAzFramework | Namespace for file functions |
►NAssetSystem | |
CBaseAssetProcessorMessage | |
CNegotiationMessage | |
CRequestPing | |
CResponsePing | |
CRequestAssetStatus | Request the status of an asset or force one to compile |
CResponseAssetStatus | This will be sent in response to the RequestAssetStatus request |
CRequestEscalateAsset | |
CRequestAssetProcessorStatus | Request the status of the asset processor |
CResponseAssetProcessorStatus | |
CGetUnresolvedDependencyCountsRequest | |
CGetUnresolvedDependencyCountsResponse | |
CGetRelativeProductPathFromFullSourceOrProductPathRequest | |
CGetRelativeProductPathFromFullSourceOrProductPathResponse | |
CGenerateRelativeSourcePathRequest | |
CGenerateRelativeSourcePathResponse | |
CGetFullSourcePathFromRelativeProductPathRequest | |
CGetFullSourcePathFromRelativeProductPathResponse | |
CSourceAssetInfoRequest | |
CSourceAssetInfoResponse | |
CAssetInfoRequest | |
CAssetInfoResponse | |
CAssetDependencyInfoRequest | |
CAssetDependencyInfoResponse | |
CRegisterSourceAssetRequest | |
CUnregisterSourceAssetRequest | |
CShowAssetProcessorRequest | |
CUpdateSourceControlStatusRequest | |
CShowAssetInAssetProcessorRequest | |
CAssetNotificationMessage | |
CBulkAssetNotificationMessage | |
CSaveAssetCatalogRequest | |
CSaveAssetCatalogResponse | |
CFileOpenRequest | |
CFileOpenResponse | |
CFileCloseRequest | |
CFileReadRequest | |
CFileReadResponse | |
CFileWriteRequest | |
CFileWriteResponse | |
CFileTellRequest | |
CFileTellResponse | |
CFileSeekRequest | |
CFileSeekResponse | |
CFileIsReadOnlyRequest | |
CFileIsReadOnlyResponse | |
CPathIsDirectoryRequest | |
CPathIsDirectoryResponse | |
CFileSizeRequest | |
CFileSizeResponse | |
CFileModTimeRequest | |
CFileModTimeResponse | |
CFileExistsRequest | |
CFileExistsResponse | |
CFileFlushRequest | |
CFileFlushResponse | |
CPathCreateRequest | |
CPathCreateResponse | |
CPathDestroyRequest | |
CPathDestroyResponse | |
CFileRemoveRequest | |
CFileRemoveResponse | |
CFileCopyRequest | |
CFileCopyResponse | |
CFileRenameRequest | |
CFileRenameResponse | |
CFindFilesRequest | |
CFindFilesResponse | |
CFileTreeRequest | |
CFileTreeResponse | |
CAssetChangeReportRequest | |
CAssetChangeReportResponse | |
CAssetSystemInfoNotifications | |
CConnectionSettings | Stores the settings needed to make a connection either to or from an AssetProcessor instance |
CAssetSystemRequests | |
CAssetSystemConnectionNotifications | |
CAssetSystemStatus | |
CAssetSystemComponent | |
CNetworkAssetUpdateInterface | |
CAssetProcessorConnection | |
►NComponents | |
CComponentAdapter | |
CComponentInitHelper | |
CComponentInitHelper< T, AZStd::void_t< decltype(AZStd::declval< T >().Init())> > | |
CComponentActivateHelper | |
CComponentActivateHelper< T, AZStd::void_t< decltype(AZStd::declval< T >().Activate(AZ::EntityId()))> > | |
CComponentActivateHelper< T, AZStd::void_t< decltype(AZStd::declval< T >().Activate(AZ::EntityComponentIdPair()))> > | |
CDeprecatedInfo | |
CDeprecatedComponents | |
►NFileTag | |
CFileTagData | File Tag Data stores all the information related to the FileTagAsset |
CFileTagAsset | |
CFileTagManager | File Tag Manager class can be used to add/remove tags based on either filepaths or file patterns |
CFileTagQueryManager | File Tag Query Manager class can be used to retreive tags based on either filepaths or patterns |
CFileTagsEvent | |
CQueryFileTagsEvent | |
CFileTagComponent | |
CFileTagQueryComponent | This component can be used to query the file tagging system |
CExcludeFileComponent | |
►NProcessLauncher | |
CProcessLaunchInfo | |
►NRender | |
CRenderSystemRequests | |
►NRenderGeometry | |
CGameIntersectorComponent | |
CEntityIdAndContext | |
CIntersectionRequests | |
CIntersectionNotifications | Interface for data notification of changes in entity's render geometry |
CEntityFilter | |
CRayRequest | Ray intersection request |
CRayResult | Result of intersection |
CRayResultClosestAggregator | |
CIntersector | |
CIntersectorInterface | |
►NScripts | |
CSpawnableScriptAssetRef | A wrapper around Spawnable asset that can be used by Script Canvas and Lua |
CSpawnableScriptNotifications | |
CSpawnableScriptMediator | |
CSpawnableScriptNotificationsHandler | Behavior Context forwarder for SpawnableScriptNotificationsBus |
►NStreamingInstall | |
►CStreamingInstallSystemComponent | |
CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations |
CStreamingInstallChunkNotifications | |
CStreamingInstallPackageNotifications | |
CStreamingInstallRequests | |
►NSurfaceData | |
CSurfaceTagWeight | |
CSurfaceTagWeightComparator | |
CSurfacePoint | |
►NTerrain | |
CFloatRange | |
CTerrainQueryRegion | Helper structure that defines a query region to use with the QueryRegion / QueryRegionAsync APIs |
CTerrainJobContext | A JobContext used to run jobs spawned by calls to the various Query*Async functions |
CQueryAsyncParams | A parameter group struct that can optionally be passed to the various Query*Async API functions |
CTerrainDataRequests | Shared interface for terrain system implementations |
►CTerrainDataNotifications | |
CConnectionPolicy | Connection policy that auto-calls OnTerrainDataCreateBegin & OnTerrainDataCreateEnd on connection |
CApplicationRequests | |
CApplicationLifecycleEvents | |
CLevelLoadBlockerRequests | |
CILevelSystemLifecycle | |
CLevelSystemLifecycleNotifications | |
►CApplication | |
CImplementation | |
CImplementationFactory | |
CAssetBundleManifest | |
CAssetCatalog | |
CAssetCatalogEvents | |
CLegacyAssetEvents | |
CAssetCatalogComponent | |
CAssetRegistry | |
CSeedInfo | |
CAssetSeedListReflector | |
CBenchmarkAsset | |
CBenchmarkSettingsAsset | |
CCustomAssetTypeComponent | |
CGenericAssetHandlerBase | |
CGenericAssetHandler | |
CSimpleAssetReferenceBase | |
CSimpleAssetReference | |
CVersionSearchRule | |
CMatchingRule | |
CXmlSchemaAttribute | |
CXmlSchemaElement | |
CSearchRuleDefinition | |
CDependencySearchRule | |
CXmlSchemaAsset | |
CAzFrameworkModule | |
CAzFrameworkNativeUIModule | |
CCommandRegistration | |
CAzFrameworkConfigurationSystemComponent | |
CConsoleRequests | |
CConsoleNotifications | |
CEditorEntityEvents | |
CNativeUISystemComponent | |
CNonUniformScaleComponent | |
CTransformComponent | Fundamental component that describes the entity in 3D space |
CDeviceAttributeDeviceModel | Device attribute for getting device model name e.g. "Pixel 3 XL" |
CDeviceAttributeGPUModel | |
CDeviceAttribute | |
CDeviceAttributeRegistrarInterface | |
CDeviceAttributeRAM | |
CDeviceAttributesSystemComponent | System component responsible for managing device attributes |
CBehaviorComponentId | |
CBehaviorEntity | |
CEntityContext | |
CEntityContextRequests | |
CEntityContextEvents | |
CEntityIdContextQueries | |
CDebugDisplayRequests | DebugDisplayRequests provides a debug draw api to be used by components and viewport features |
CViewportInfo | Structure to hold information relevant to a given viewport |
CEntityDebugDisplayEvents | |
CViewportDebugDisplayEvents | |
CDebugDisplayEvents | |
CEntityOwnershipService | |
CEntityOwnershipServiceInterface | |
CEntityOwnershipServiceNotifications | |
CGameEntityContextRequests | |
CGameEntityContextEvents | |
CGameEntityContextComponent | |
CPrefabEntityOwnershipService | |
CSliceEntityOwnershipService | |
CSliceEntityOwnershipServiceRequests | |
CSliceGameEntityOwnershipService | |
CSliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceRequests | |
CSliceGameEntityOwnershipServiceNotifications | |
CTextDrawParameters | Standard parameters for drawing text on screen |
CFontDrawInterface | |
CFontQueryInterface | |
CGemInfo | This struct stores gem related information |
CInputChannelNotifications | |
CInputDeviceNotifications | |
CInputSystemNotifications | EBus interface used to listen for input system notifications |
CInputTextNotifications | |
►CInputChannelRequests | EBus interface used to query for available input channels |
CBusIdType | |
CInputDeviceRequests | EBus interface used to query input devices for their associated input channels and state |
CInputDeviceImplementationRequest | Templated EBus interface used to create a custom implementation for a specific device type |
CInputDeviceImplementationRequestHandler | |
CInputHapticFeedbackRequests | EBus interface used to send haptic feedback requests to connected input devices |
CInputLightBarRequests | EBus interface used to send light bar requests to connected input devices |
CInputMotionSensorRequests | EBus interface used to send motion sensor requests to connected input devices |
CInputSystemCursorRequests | EBus interface used to query/change the state, position, or appearance of the system cursor |
CInputSystemCursorConstraintRequests | EBus interface to request the window or view used to clip and/or normalize the system cursor |
CInputSystemRequests | EBus interface used to send requests to the input system |
►CInputTextEntryRequests | EBus interface used to send text entry requests to connected input devices |
CVirtualKeyboardOptions | |
►CInputChannel | |
CCustomData | Base struct from which to derive all custom input data |
CPositionData2D | Custom data struct for input channels associated with a 2D position |
CSnapshot | Snapshot of an input channel that can be constructed, copied, and stored independently |
CInputChannelAnalog | |
►CInputChannelAnalogWithPosition2D | |
CRawInputEvent | Raw analog with position 2D input event |
CInputChannelAxis1D | |
►CInputChannelAxis2D | |
CAxisData2D | Custom data struct for two dimensional axis data |
►CInputChannelAxis3D | |
CAxisData3D | Custom data struct for three dimensional axis data |
CInputChannelDelta | |
CInputChannelDeltaWithSharedPosition2D | |
CInputChannelDigital | |
►CInputChannelDigitalWithPosition2D | |
CRawInputEvent | Raw digital with position 2D input event |
CModifierKeyStates | Custom data struct to store the current state of all modifier keys |
CInputChannelDigitalWithSharedModifierKeyStates | |
CInputChannelDigitalWithSharedPosition2D | |
CInputChannelId | Class that identifies a specific input channel |
►CInputChannelQuaternion | |
CQuaternionData | Custom data struct for three dimensional axis data |
►CInputContext | |
CInitData | Custom data struct used to initialize input contexts |
CInputContextComponentRequests | |
CInputContextComponent | |
►CInputDeviceGamepad | |
CButton | All the input channel ids that identify game-pad digital button input |
►CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of game-pad input devices |
CRawGamepadState | Platform agnostic representation of a raw game-pad state |
CImplementationFactory | The factory class to create a custom implementation for this input device |
CThumbStickAxis1D | All the input channel ids that identify game-pad thumb-stick 1D axis input |
CThumbStickAxis2D | All the input channel ids that identify game-pad thumb-stick 2D axis input |
CThumbStickDirection | All the input channel ids that identify game-pad thumb-stick directional input |
CTrigger | All the input channel ids that identify game-pad analog trigger input |
CInputDevice | |
CInputDeviceId | Class that identifies a specific input device |
►CInputDeviceKeyboard | |
CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of keyboard input devices |
CImplementationFactory | The factory class to create a custom implementation for this input device |
CKey | |
►CInputDeviceMotion | |
CAcceleration | |
CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of motion input devices |
CImplementationFactory | The factory class to create a custom implementation for this input device |
CMagneticField | |
COrientation | |
CRotationRate | |
►CInputDeviceMouse | |
CButton | |
CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of mouse input devices |
CImplementationFactory | The factory class to create a custom implementation for this input device |
CMovement | |
►CInputDeviceTouch | |
►CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of touch input devices |
CRawTouchEvent | Platform agnostic representation of a raw touch event |
CImplementationFactory | The factory class to create a custom implementation for this input device |
CTouch | |
►CInputDeviceVirtualKeyboard | |
CCommand | |
CImplementation | Base class for platform specific implementations of virtual keyboard input devices |
CImplementationFactory | The factory class to create a custom implementation for this input device |
CInputChannelEventFilter | |
CInputChannelEventFilterInclusionList | Class that filters input channel events based on included input channels and devices |
CInputChannelEventFilterExclusionList | Class that filters input channel events based on excluded input channels and devices |
CInputChannelEventListener | |
CInputChannelEventSink | Class that consumes all input event that pass the specified filter |
CInputTextEventListener | Class that handles input text event notifications by priority |
►CInputMapping | |
CConfigBase | Base class for input mapping configuration values that are exposed to the editor |
CEmptySnapshot | Empty snapshot of an input channel used as the 'default' state for some input mappings |
CInputChannelNameFilteredByDeviceType | Convenience class that allows for selection of an input channel name filtered by device |
►CInputMappingAnd | |
CConfig | The input mapping configuration values that are exposed to the editor |
►CInputMappingOr | |
CConfig | The input mapping configuration values that are exposed to the editor |
CInputSystemComponent | |
CRemoteStorageDriveConfig | |
CRemoteStorageDrive | |
CLogFile | |
CLogComponent | |
CMissingAssetLogger | |
CMissingAssetNotifications | |
CSample | |
CLinearlyInterpolatedSample | |
CLinearlyInterpolatedSample< AZ::Vector3 > | |
CLinearlyInterpolatedSample< AZ::Quaternion > | |
CUninterpolatedSample | |
CUninterpolatedSample< AZ::Vector3 > | |
CUninterpolatedSample< AZ::Quaternion > | |
CMetricsPlainTextNameRegistrationBusTraits | |
CRemoteToolsMessage | |
CRemoteToolsEndpointInfo | |
CIRemoteTools | |
CSocketConnection | |
CEngineConnectionEvents | |
CPaintBrush | |
CPaintBrushNotifications | PaintBrushNotificationBus is used to send out notifications whenever anything about the paintbrush has changed |
CPaintBrushSession | |
CPaintBrushSettings | Defines the specific paintbrush settings to use with a paintbrush |
CPaintBrushSystemComponent | PaintBrushSystemComponent generically manages runtime paint brush sessions for any components that support runtime painting |
CCharacterPhysicsDataRequests | |
►CCharacterPhysicsDataNotifications | |
CConnectionPolicy | |
CProcessOutput | |
►CProcessCommunicator | |
COutputStatus | |
CProcessCommunicatorForChildProcess | |
CStdInOutCommunication | |
CStdProcessCommunicator | |
CStdInOutProcessCommunicatorData | |
CStdInOutProcessCommunicator | |
CStdProcessCommunicatorForChildProcess | |
CStdInOutProcessCommunicatorForChildProcess | |
CProcessWatcher | |
CQualityCVarGroup | |
CQualitySystemEvents | |
CQualitySystemComponent | |
CAabbUnionAggregator | |
CScene | |
CSceneSystemComponent | |
CISceneSystem | |
CISceneSystemRequests | |
CScriptCompileRequest | |
CScriptPropertyGroup | |
CScriptComponent | |
CScriptDebugAgentEvents | |
CScriptDebugRequest | |
CScriptDebugBreakpointRequest | |
CScriptDebugSetValue | |
CScriptDebugAck | |
CScriptDebugAckBreakpoint | |
CScriptDebugAckExecute | |
CScriptDebugEnumLocalsResult | |
CScriptDebugEnumContextsResult | |
CScriptDebugGetValueResult | |
CScriptDebugSetValueResult | |
CScriptDebugCallStackResult | |
CScriptDebugRegisteredGlobalsResult | |
CScriptDebugRegisteredClassesResult | |
CScriptDebugRegisteredEBusesResult | |
CScriptUserMethodInfo | |
CScriptUserPropertyInfo | |
CScriptUserClassInfo | |
CScriptUserEBusMethodInfo | |
CScriptUserEBusInfo | |
CSliceEntityRequests | |
CSliceInstantiationResults | |
CSliceInstantiationTicket | |
►CInMemorySpawnableAssetContainer | |
CSpawnableAssetData | |
CRootSpawnableNotifications | Notifications send when the root spawnable updates. Events will always be called from the main thread |
CRootSpawnableDefinition | |
►CSpawnable | |
CEntityAlias | An entity alias redirects the spawning of an entity to another entity, possibly in another spawnable |
CEntityAliasConstVisitor | |
CEntityAliasVisitor | |
CSpawnableAssetEvents | |
CSpawnableAssetHandler | |
CSpawnableEntitiesContainer | |
CSpawnableEntityContainerView | |
CSpawnableConstEntityContainerView | |
CSpawnableIndexEntityPair | |
CSpawnableIndexEntityIterator | |
CSpawnableConstIndexEntityContainerView | |
CEntityAliasTypeChange | Information used when updating the type of an entity alias |
CEntitySpawnTicket | |
CSpawnAllEntitiesOptionalArgs | |
CSpawnEntitiesOptionalArgs | |
CDespawnAllEntitiesOptionalArgs | |
CDespawnEntityOptionalArgs | |
CRetrieveTicketOptionalArgs | |
CReloadSpawnableOptionalArgs | |
CUpdateEntityAliasTypesOptionalArgs | |
CListEntitiesOptionalArgs | |
CClaimEntitiesOptionalArgs | |
CBarrierOptionalArgs | |
CLoadBarrierOptionalArgs | |
CSpawnableEntitiesDefinition | |
►CSpawnableEntitiesManager | |
CBarrierCommand | |
CClaimEntitiesCommand | |
CDespawnAllEntitiesCommand | |
CDespawnEntityCommand | |
CDestroyTicketCommand | |
CListEntitiesCommand | |
CListIndicesEntitiesCommand | |
CLoadBarrierCommand | |
CQueue | |
CRegisterTicketCommand | |
CReloadSpawnableCommand | |
CRetrieveTicketCommand | |
CSpawnAllEntitiesCommand | |
CSpawnEntitiesCommand | |
CTicket | |
CUpdateEntityAliasTypesCommand | |
CSpawnableMetaData | |
CSpawnableMonitor | |
CSpawnableSystemComponent | |
CCamera | |
CMotionEvent | Generic motion type |
CCursorEvent | |
CScrollEvent | |
CDiscreteInputEvent | |
CInputState | Encapsulates an InputEvent in addition to the current key state of the modifiers |
CCameraInput | |
CCameraProps | Properties to use to configure behavior across all types of camera |
CCameras | |
CCameraSystem | Responsible for updating a series of cameras given various inputs |
CRotateCameraInput | A camera input to handle motion deltas that can change the orientation of the camera (update pitch and yaw) |
CPanAxes | Axes to use while panning the camera |
CPanCameraInput | A camera input to handle motion deltas that can pan the camera (translate in two axes) |
CTranslateCameraInputChannelIds | Groups all camera translation inputs |
CTranslateCameraInput | A camera input to handle discrete events that can translate the camera (translate in three axes) |
COrbitScrollDollyCameraInput | A camera input to handle discrete scroll events that can modify the camera offset |
COrbitMotionDollyCameraInput | A camera input to handle motion deltas that can modify the camera offset |
CLookScrollTranslationCameraInput | A camera input to handle discrete scroll events that can scroll (translate) the camera along its forward axis |
COrbitCameraInput | |
CFocusCameraInput | |
CCustomCameraInput | |
CCameraState | Represents the camera state populated by the viewport camera |
CClickDetector | |
CCursorState | Utility type to wrap a current and last cursor position |
CMultiViewportController | |
CMultiViewportControllerInstanceInterface | The interface used by MultiViewportController to manage individual instances |
CScreenPoint | A wrapper around an X and Y screen position |
CScreenVector | |
CScreenSize | A wrapper around a screen width and height |
CSingleViewportController | |
CViewportRequests | |
CViewportBorderPadding | The additional padding around the viewport when a viewport border is active |
CViewportBorderRequests | For performing queries about the state of the viewport border |
CViewportImGuiNotifications | Provides an interface to notify about different states of the ImGui |
CViewportControllerInputEvent | An event dispatched to ViewportControllers when input occurs |
CViewportControllerUpdateEvent | An event dispatched to ViewportControllers every tick |
CViewportControllerInterface | |
CViewportControllerList | |
CBoundsRequests | Implemented by components that provide bounds for use with various systems |
CIEntityBoundsUnion | |
CIEntityBoundsUnionTraits | |
CEntityVisibilityBoundsUnionSystem | Provide a unified hook between entities and the visibility system |
CEntityVisibilityQuery | Utility class to encapsulate entity visibility queries against the view frustum |
CVisibilityNode | |
CVisibilityEntry | Data for an object that is added to the visibility system |
►CIVisibilityScene | This is the interface for managing objects and visibility queries for a given scene |
CNodeData | |
CIVisibilitySystem | This is an AZ::Interface<> useful for extremely fast, CPU only, proximity and visibility queries |
CIVisibilitySystemRequests | |
COcclusionRequests | OcclusionRequests provides an interface for integrating with occlusion culling systems. Use the interface to create occlusion views that configure the camera state and context for making occlusion queries. Creating multiple occlusion views also allows queries to be made across multiple threads |
COctreeNode | |
COctreeScene | |
COctreeSystemComponent | |
COctreeDebug | |
CVisibleGeometry | VisibleGeometry describes visible geometry surfaces stored as generic indexed triangle lists |
CVisibleGeometryRequests | Interface for components to provide generic geometric data, potentially for occlusion culling and other systems |
CWindowGeometry | |
CWindowStyleMasks | A simple structure to encapsulate different native window style masks |
►CNativeWindow | |
CImplementation | |
CImplementationFactory | The factory class to create a custom implementation for this native window |
CWindowSize | A simple structure to contain window size |
CWindowPosOptions | Options for resizing and moving the window |
CWindowRequests | |
CWindowNotifications | |
CExclusiveFullScreenRequests | |
CWindowSystemRequests | The WindowSystemRequestBus is a broadcast bus for sending requests to the window system |
CWindowSystemNotifications | The WindowSystemNotificationBus is used to broadcast an event whenever a new window is created |
CAndroidLifecycleEvents | |
CAndroidEventDispatcher | |
CAndroidAppRequests | |
CRawInputNotificationsAndroid | |
CCommunicatorHandleImpl | |
CStartupInfo | |
CProcessData | |
CUTF16ToUTF8Converter | Class used to convert sequences of UTF-16 code units to UTF-8 code points |
CXcbApplication | |
CXcbConnectionManager | |
CXcbConnectionManagerBusTraits | |
CXcbEventHandler | |
CXcbEventHandlerBusTraits | |
CXcbInputDeviceKeyboard | |
CXcbInputDeviceMouse | |
CXcbDeleterFreeFunctionWrapper | |
CXcbNativeWindow | |
CIosLifecycleEvents | |
CRawInputNotificationsIos | |
CLinuxLifecycleEvents | |
CInputDeviceGamepadLinux | Platform specific implementation for Linux game-pad input devices |
CLibEVDevWrapper | |
CDarwinLifecycleEvents | |
CRawInputNotificationsMac | |
CWindowsLifecycleEvents | |
CApplicationWindows | |
CRawInputNotificationsWindows | |
CInputDeviceGamepadWindows | Platform specific implementation for Windows game-pad input devices |
CInputDeviceKeyboardWindows | Platform specific implementation for Windows keyboard input devices |
CInputDeviceMouseWindows | Platform specific implementation for Windows mouse input devices |
CNativeWindowImpl_Win32 | |
►NAzPhysics | |
►NAutomation | |
CAutomationCollisionNotifications | |
CAutomationTriggerNotifications | |
CSimulatedBodyCollisionAutomationHandler | |
CSimulatedBodyTriggerAutomationHandler | |
CTriggerEvent | Trigger event raised when an object enters/exits a trigger shape |
CContact | Stores information about the contacts between two overlapping shapes |
CCollisionEvent | A collision event raised when two objects, neither of which can be triggers, overlap |
CCollisionGroup | |
►CCollisionGroups | |
CId | |
CPreset | |
CCollisionLayer | |
CCollisionLayers | Collision layers defined for the project |
CJoint | Base class for all Joints in Physics |
CJointHelpersInterface | Interface to access Joint utilities and helper functions |
CEditorJointHelpersInterface | Interface to access editor-only Joint utilities and helper functions |
CSceneQueryRequest | |
CRayCastRequest | Casts a ray from a starting pose along a direction returning objects that intersected with the ray |
CShapeCastRequest | Sweeps a shape from a starting pose along a direction returning objects that intersected with the shape |
COverlapRequest | Searches a region enclosed by a specified shape for any overlapping objects in the scene |
CSceneQueryHit | Structure that contains information of an individual hit related to a SceneQuery |
CSceneQueryHits | Structure that contains all hits related to a SceneQuery |
CSimulatedBody | Base class for all Simulated bodies in Physics |
CSimulatedBodyComponentRequests | Requests for physics simulated body components |
CCollisionConfiguration | |
CJointConfiguration | Base Class of all Physics Joints that will be simulated |
CRigidBodyConfiguration | Configuration used to Add Rigid bodies to a Scene |
CSceneConfiguration | Configuration object that contains data to setup a Scene |
CSimulatedBodyConfiguration | Base Class of all Physics Bodies that will be simulated |
CStaticRigidBodyConfiguration | |
CSystemConfiguration | |
CSceneInterface | Interface to access a Physics Scene with a SceneHandle |
CScene | Interface of a Physics Scene |
CSystemInterface | |
CRigidBody | Dynamic rigid body |
CStaticRigidBody | Static rigid body |
►NAZStd | |
Chash< AzFramework::InputChannelId > | Hash structure specialization for InputChannelId |
Chash< AzFramework::InputDeviceId > | Hash structure specialization for InputDeviceId |
Chash< Physics::MaterialId > | |
Chash< AzFramework::RenderGeometry::EntityIdAndContext > | |
Chash< AzFramework::SliceInstantiationTicket > | |
Chash< AzFramework::EntitySpawnTicket > | |
►NCamera | |
CConfiguration | Stores camera configuration values that describe the camera's view frustum |
CCameraComponentRequests | |
CCameraRequests | |
CCameraSystemRequests | Use this system broadcast for things like getting the active camera |
CActiveCameraRequests | |
►CCameraNotifications | |
CCameraNotificationConnectionPolicy | |
►NPhysics | |
CAnimationConfiguration | |
CCharacterColliderNodeConfiguration | |
CCharacterColliderConfiguration | |
CCharacterConfiguration | Information required to create the basic physics representation of a character |
CCharacter | |
CCharacterRequests | Messages serviced by character controllers |
CCharacterNotifications | Messages sent by character controllers |
CColliderComponentEvents | |
CCollisionRequests | |
CCollisionRequestsTraits | Collision requests bus traits. Singleton pattern |
CCollisionFilteringRequests | CollisionFilteringRequests configures filtering settings per entity |
►CCharacterPhysicsDebugDraw | Provides debug drawing for character physics configurations, such as colliders and joint limits |
CColorSettings | Color settings for character physics debug drawing, such as default and selected colors |
CJointDebugDrawData | Location and visibility data etc required to debug draw a JointConfiguration |
CJointLimitRenderBuffers | Buffers to store vertices, line colors etc for debug drawing a joint limit |
CNodeDebugDrawData | Location and visibility data etc required to debug draw a CharacterColliderNodeConfiguration |
CHeightMaterialPoint | |
CHeightfieldProviderRequests | |
CHeightfieldProviderNotifications | Broadcasts notifications when heightfield data changes - heightfield providers implement HeightfieldRequests bus |
CMaterial | Runtime Physics material instance |
CMaterialAsset | |
CMaterialId | Class that is used to identify a material |
CMaterialManager | |
CMaterialPropertyValue | |
►CMaterialSlots | |
CMaterialSlot | |
CMaterialSystemComponent | |
CRagdollNodeConfiguration | |
CRagdollConfiguration | |
CRagdollNode | Represents a single rigid part of a ragdoll |
CRagdoll | A hierarchical collection of rigid bodies connected by joints typically used to physically simulate a character |
CRagdollNodeState | |
CRigidBodyRequests | Requests interface for a rigid body (static or dynamic) |
CRigidBodyNotifications | Notifications interface for a rigid body (static or dynamic) |
CColliderConfiguration | |
CShape | |
CShapeConfiguration | |
CSphereShapeConfiguration | |
CBoxShapeConfiguration | |
CCapsuleShapeConfiguration | |
CConvexHullShapeConfiguration | |
CTriangleMeshShapeConfiguration | |
CPhysicsAssetShapeConfiguration | |
CNativeShapeConfiguration | |
CCookedMeshShapeConfiguration | |
CHeightfieldShapeConfiguration | |
CDebugDrawVertex | Represents a debug vertex (position & color) |
CDebugDrawSettings | Settings structure provided to DebugDrawPhysics to drive debug drawing behavior |
CDefaultWorldRequests | An interface to get the default physics world for systems that do not support multiple worlds |
CEditorWorldRequests | An interface to get the editor physics world for doing edit time physics queries |
CSystemRequestsTraits | |
CSystem | Physics system global requests |
CSystemDebugRequests | Physics system global debug requests |
CWindRequests | An interface to get wind values |
CWindRequestsTraits | Wind requests bus traits. Singleton pattern |
CWindNotifications | Broadcasts notifications when wind state changes - wind providers implement WindRequests bus |
CProcessCommunicatorTracePrinter | |
CThermalInfoAndroidHandler | |
CThermalInfoHandler | |
CUiFrameworkInterface | Bus interface for other systems in game to access to the in-game UI system |